Wednesday, September 15, 2010

win some lose some....

its been a slow week or so, not that much harvesting going on. as the seasons change, all my plants seem confused and have slowed their growth.

but, there were two developments... plum wine and crazy juice mashup wine are complete!

juice wine was great! a little fizzy, pretty strong, and *very* sweet. it was kinda like an aperitif wine or a ghetto muscato. i actually ended up cutting it with a white and then it really hit the spot.

the plum wine... sniffle... i was so excited. a real air lock and everything. but it seems like i either stopped it too soon or the plum by itself was just to light for the yeast that i used. while it was strong and dry, it had a faint bouquet of bread and tasted like cheap sake...

eh, so it goes.

i'm pulling in a harvest of apples today. gonna make some more cider and make some of it hard. depending on how much i make, i might end up making applejack :)

more on that later

Friday, September 3, 2010

cider and wine

so there were all those left over plums, right? so first, a little plum rhubarb pie was in order... didn't really dent the pile. so what did i do? oh you know the answer...

plum wine! woo! better than previous experiments, because i actually purchased a decent bottle and an airlock for this one.

ooh just look at it, isn't it pretty?

then there were the 10 extra pounds of apples, left in the crisper. apple butter had been made, and at this point, the house had had enough crisps and pies, so... i made apple cider. hand pressed apple cider. so. good.

ovens ready. gotta go throw some sourdough in there. if anyone knows a good place to get an inexpensive baking stone, leave a message in the comments.